NEAT Project

NEtwork dATa plane measurements as first class primitive.



  1. Detecting Routing Loops in the Data Plane,
    Kucera J., Ben Basat R., Kuka M., Antichi G., Yu M., Mitzenmacher M.
    ACM CoNEXT, Barcelona, ES, 1-4 December, 2020


  1. DISCOvering the Heavy Hitters with Disaggregated Sketches,
    Bruschi V., Ben Basat R., Liu Z., Antichi G., Bianchi G., Mitzenmacher M.
    ACM CoNEXT, Barcelona, ES, 1-4 December, 2020
  2. Automatic Optimization of Software Data Planes, Miano S., Retvari G., Risso F., Moore A.W., Antichi G. ACM SIGCOMM, New York, New York, US, 10-14 August, 2020.
    First place at the Student Research Competition
  3. Revisiting Heavy-Hitters: Don’t count packets, compute flow inter-packet metrics in the data plane, Singh S., Rothenberg C., Luizelli M., Antichi G., Pongracz G. ACM SIGCOMM, New York, New York, US, 10-14 August, 2020.